Travelbuy Nettuno
06 2097 9057
Travelbuy Nettuno
06 2097 9057
Thinadhoo (Vaavu Atoll), Maldives

Thinadhoo (Vaavu Atoll), Maldives

Thinadhoo (Vaavu Atoll) Maldives

Thinadhoo is one of the inhabited islands of Vaavu Atoll in the Maldives. The island is widely used for tourism and guest house business is rapidly increasing in the island. The island is 75.97 km (47 mi; 41 nmi) south of the country's capital, Malé. The land area of the island is 12.7 ha (31 acres) in 2018. The land area is up from about 9.1 ha (22 acres) in 2007
Recommended airport
Maamigili Airport (VAM)
Nearby destinations
  • South Malé Atoll a 44.57 km